Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jail in less than 24

So due to some trouble (a second OWI(operation while intoxicated)) I'm going to be in jail this weekend. Though I decided I would leave a poem for all (so... 2-5) my readers.

The Recurring Nightmare

I "wake up" to a dry puddle of tears,
Welling in my pillow,
Another day to chase nothing,
Has arrived again.

"Another day another dollar,"
"A penny saved is a penny earned,"
Why?! For what purpose?!
Who coined these mind-numbing phrases?!

I "wake up" to a dry puddle of tears,
Welling in my pillow,
Another day to chase nothing,
Has arrived again.

I guess I'll daydream,
Since I can't sleep without the dread,
I'll daydream of a deeper meaning,
Something to make -everyone- alright again.

I "wake up" to a dry puddle of tears,
Welling in my pillow,
Another day to chase nothing,
Has arrived again.


Michelle Hix said...

Wow, really? I wonder if you will be inspired on the inside to write something?

Diary of a Thirsty College Boy...the Chris Gehler story.

Commissioner said...

So sad

Michelle Hix said...

Hey Chris...are you out?