Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Replenished and Renewed

I feel reborn today. I was having an incredibly shitty day last night to the point I wanted to die. My friend Cleigho brought me back, so much so that I feel like a new person. And earlier today, I got the best present in a while, the copy of my in-progress novel: Dotwarz!!!!

I'm soooooooo happy! I've been reading over it... I havn't written anything on it in... 2-3 years. I was alright for a 15/16 year old write, but it's utter trash. But, it's a good base to work on, since it's 14500 words. Now, when I do all the development that is needed... It will be what I hope is thought of as one of the best sci-fi/fantasy novel ever.

I don't have a poem for you today, just all the good news. ^_^ Hope your tuesday wasn't too bad.


Michelle Hix said...

Wow,when will it be published for us to read?

The Ponderer said...

I'm not sure when it'll be finalized yet. For optimisms sake though... hopefully by 2009 it will be in print.