Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another final (Continued)

So, with my bordem and... Still another 2.25 hours left until I fail this philosophy final, I decided to go blog hopping. I've found that there are an immense amount of good poets/writers out there.

Because of this, I'm adding a page element called "Poet Ring" which is going to be a list of poets I support in the sense that I try to get people to read their works, since I hope they'll be doing the same for me.

If you're ever looking for a good poem, aside from all the great works here *wink*, look over at the Poets Ring, I'm sure you'll find at least one.


Moooooog35 said...

All I've got are man from Nantucket type rhymes.

I'm assuming this won't get me into your "Poets ring."

Commissioner said...

I was mulling over an idea of setting up a blog where poets I felt were responsible enough would be granted access to discuss a topic, summit a poem is another possibility, and make it a catalog of its members.

What do you think of this idea?

Poets ring could be the name of it.

Deepa said...

I think Poet ring would be a great way to start some kind of activity exclusively for poetry and its related activities. We find photoblogs, mobile-blogs, vlogs, and so much more, but not enough webpresence for poetry.. I see this idea grow and reach even "no-so-technically-trained" , "but-those-who-love" poetry

Good luck on this new endeavor

HeatherrrEloise said...

I just wanted to say I have spent like twenty minutes checking out your blog and I enjoy it a lot.

Moooooog35 said...

Fine...here we go...my first entry to your Poets Ring with one of my Nantucket limericks:

There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who was royally pissed about how the city was portrayed in "A Perfect Storm".
He said with chagrin
As he pulled the lobster trap in,
"Warner Brothers can suck my big worm."

I agree the second line needs work...but screw it...I'm not a real poet. I claim liberal license.

Elise said...

Draw a smiley face on your eaxam paper... I read a blog with that tip on it. Apparently it works well.

Good luck with your paper. You won't fail! I have faith! xx

Anonymous said...

i really like your blog too, you have my readership as well :)

jeff said...

You should really add moooooog35. I think there's some hidden talent there. Anyway, the poet ring's a cool idea. Get some more poets in there.

Rick said...

I minored in Philosophy in college. I can't remember a thing from the classes I took. How did the test go?


Cocaine Princess said...

I love reading your thoughts. So many times I feel what you're going through. Hang in there, as us aspiring writers need to support each other. Faith and Persistence.
Cocaine Princess